#NoseBleed #BhojpuriHealthTips
नाक से खून सूखा हवा, नाक में उंगली डल्ला या ट्रॉमा के चलतें हो सकता । हालांकि आमतौर पे खतरनाक न होला, लेकिन लंबा समय तक खून बहल कौनो अंतर्निहित मुद्दा के संकेत हो सकेला। आई डॉक्टर सोनू कुमार सिंह से एकरा बारे में और जानल जाए।
ई वीडियो में,
नाक से खून आवे के कारण का होला? (0:00)
नाक से खून खाती फर्स्ट एड (First aid) केंगा होला? (1:23)
नाक से खून केतना तरीका से आवेला? (2:02)
नाक से खून आवे से केंगा रोकल जाय? (3:43)
Nosebleeds, also known as Epistaxis, usually result from the rupture of blood vessels inside the nose due to sudden injury to the nose, humidity, or certain medical conditions like hypertension, liver diseases etc. How to treat Nosebleed? Let’s know more from Dr Sonu Kumar Singh, an ENT Specialist.
In this Video,
Causes of Nosebleed, in Bhojpuri (0:00)
First Aid for Nosebleed, in Bhojpuri (1:23)
Types of Nosebleed, in Bhojpuri (2:02)
Treatment of Nosebleed, in Bhojpuri (3:43)
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Swasthya Plus Network does not provide medical advice. Content on Swasthya Plus Network is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for the professional judgment of a doctor/health professional. Always seek the advice of a qualified health professional for your health concerns.
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Swasthya Plus Bhojpuri is a leading destination for Health Tips in Bhojpuri language on health, hygiene, nutrition, lifestyle, and more!